Exploring the Strong Metric Dimension of Hollow Coronoid Structures: Applications and Implications


  • Tahoor Tahoor Department of Mathematics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, 63100, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Abid Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 27695 NC, United States
  • Arfa Mushtaq Department of Mathematics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
  • Madiha Bibi Department of Mathematics, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi, Punjab 46300, Pakistan


metric, metric dimension, strong metric dimension, strong resolving graph, vertex cover number


Coronoid systems are actually geometric arrangements of six-sided benzenoids in hexagonal form. Coronoid systems are organic chemical structures, that fall into two categories: primitive and catacondensed
coronoids. Many researchers from various fields have an interest in the mathematical analysis of chemicals. Graph theory played an important role in studying chemical structures by transforming them into a graph. The strongιmetricιdimension is one of the main parameter ofιgraph theory. Consider a connectedιgraphιG, aιvertexιu strongly resolves aιpairι(x, y) of vertices if either x lies onιaιshortestιpathιbetween u - y or y lies onιaιshortestιpathιbetween u - x. The setιS is referred as theιstrong resolving set ofιG if any vertex in S can strongly resolve every pair of distinct vertices in G.ιThe minimumιcardinality of such set S is known as the strong metricιdimension ofιG.


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How to Cite

Exploring the Strong Metric Dimension of Hollow Coronoid Structures: Applications and Implications. (2024). Complexity Analysis and Applications, 1(1), 1-13. https://caa.reapress.com/journal/article/view/18