Computational Study on Valve Lift Dynamics and Stoichiometric Behaviour of Four-Stroke Renault IC Engine Process


  • Aniekan Essienubong Ikpe Department of Mechanical Engineering, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnics, Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria‎.
  • Imoh Ime Ekanem Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria‎.
  • Enefiok Okon Usungurua Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Federal University of Technology, Ikot ‎Abasi, Nigeria.


Friction stir welding, Manufacturing industries, Metal joining, Product performance


In this research, a computational study of valve lift dynamics and stoichiometric behaviour was carried out to determine the efficiency and power output of a four-stroke Renault IC engine. The CAD model profile of the IC engine was developed using SOLIDWORKS software, which was later imported into ANSYS Fluent version 15.0 as a geometry saved in the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) file format to enable the simulation process. The valve lift profiles were varied to study their impact on the engine's performance. From the simulation profile, a maximum in-cylinder combustion temperature of 841 oC occurred when the engine ran at idle load. However, a maximum in-cylinder temperature of 2254 oC was observed when the engine operated at full load. The maximum flame development phase at variable valve lift openings (ranging from 5-13 mm) was 36, while the maximum in-cylinder flame propagation phase was 42, leading to a volumetric efficiency of 0.822%. The plotted simulation results indicated that increased valve lift opening allowed more air-fuel entry into the combustion chamber, resulting in increased flow coefficient and enhanced engine performance. The relationship between engine speed and volumetric efficiency at various valve lift openings typically illustrated a curve that began at zero volumetric efficiencies when the engine was in idle mode and the valves closed. The volumetric efficiency gradually increased as the valve opened and attained a peak value of 0.904% when the valve was fully open at 13 mm and an engine speed of 3000 rpm. The relationship between engine speed and Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) at various valve lift openings revealed that, as the valve lift opening increased, the air-fuel mixture entering the combustion chamber also increased. This led to higher power output as well as higher fuel consumption, as more fuel is required to maintain the combustion process at higher power levels or engine speed. However, excessive valve lift opening can increase turbulence and heat losses, reducing the engine's efficiency. The relationship between engine speed and indicated power at various valve lift openings revealed that increasing engine speed led to increasing power output from the engine up to a certain point where the engine reached its maximum power output.


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How to Cite

Computational Study on Valve Lift Dynamics and Stoichiometric Behaviour of Four-Stroke Renault IC Engine Process. (2024). Complexity Analysis and Applications, 1(1), 45-65.